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  • FeedtheNeed

  • Thank you! Thank you!

    Thank you for helping us #FeedTheNeedBayArea

    THANK YOU! We reached our goal of $150,000 in emergency funding and delivered over 10,500 meals to support our local restaurants and provide hot meals for local agencies, families in need, isolated senior and hospital workers on the front lines.  It has been an unprecedented journey and we thank all of those who have been part of this historical program that served so many during these difficult times.

    Thank you to all our restaurant workers and chefs who prepared thousands of meals.  Thank you to all of our generous donors and volunteers.  There was an outpouring of volunteers who picked up calls for endless hours to help fellow citizens in crisis and steadfast volunteers who drove thousands of meals with car deliveries.  Los Gatos businesses, service organizations and Los Gatos Realtor teams galvanized their efforts to help with fundraising social media and marketing. We will never forget every one of you who pressed forward in the most difficult of days to galvanize our community efforts.  #FEETHENEEDBAYAREA reached thousands during the COVID-19 crisis.

    As we come to a close, we want to show empathy, compassion and grace to those who continue to suffer great hardship during the days ahead.  We will never forget these days where we worked together to provide help and hope to our neighbors and friends in need.  We are grateful for your generosity and commitment to our community.

    With gratitude, 

    The #FEEDTHENEEDBAYAREA team organizers

  • FeedtheNeed FeedtheNeed

    #FEEDtheNEEDBAYAREA was a community-driven emergency fund to provide immediate economic relief to the most vulnerable citizens in the Los Gatos area, including seniors, displaced employees working in Los Gatos businesses, and medical workers at our local hospitals. With the help of your donations, our team of volunteers, neighboring restaurants, and community agencies we provided FREE hot meals to local non-profit agencies, local hospitals, shut-in senior citizens, and low-income families in the Los Gatos area.

    #FEEDtheNEEDBAYAREA allowed Los Gatos restaurants to keep a portion of their staff employed by preparing meals at a flat rate. 

    #FEEDtheNEEDBAYAREA was created by Alex Hult, owner of Flights Restaurants, who quickly joined forces with the Los Gatos Chamber or Commerce and Los Gatos Town Council to respond to our community’s economic and social crisis resulting from the COVID-19 virus.

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  • Thank you Los Gatos Lions for supporting FeedtheNeed and the Los Gatos community!

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  • Be A Light
  • Centonove FeedstheNeed
  • Double D's FeedstheNeed
  • Oak & Rye Joins #FeedTheNeed
  • FeedtheNeed Mission
  • The Pastaria Feeds the Need
  • Juicecolg Joins #FeedTheNeed
  • FeedtheNeed Feeds the Santa Cruz Mtns
  • FeedtheNeed Progress
  • Be a Light
  • Blue Line Pizza Joins #FeedTheNeed
  • Meal Recipients: Meal Recipients:

    • Local Hospitals: Good Samaritan Hospital, El Camino Hospital, O'Connor Hospital, Regional Medical Center
    • Live Oak Nutrition & Senior Eldercare
    • West Valley Community Services
    • House of Hope
    • Unity Care
    • HomeFirst
    • Bill Wilson Center
  • Participating Restaurants Participating Restaurants



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