• Members of the Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce include retailers, restaurants, hotels, professionals, service businesses, property owners, civic organizations, and members of our community.

    The common thread among our members is that they care about the vitality and success of business – specifically business in Los Gatos.

    The Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce is your connection to all of this and more.


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  • Promotion Outreach & Visibility

    Every day the Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce receives inquiries from customers looking for referrals. Also, we have numerous walk-ins to Los Gatos’ Visitors Center looking for information about our local businesses on a daily basis. Many of these visitors are local residents! Who do we refer them to? Chamber members!

    Our website provides up-to-date information about our member businesses, giving them visibility and accessibility to over 2,000 unique visitors every month. Members have the opportunity of enhancing their listings on our online directory. Members may display business cards and information in the Chamber office and at our Networking events. These benefits are for Chamber members only.

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  • Information & Resources

    The Chamber is a valuable resource for local businesses, by providing:

    • Networking mixers and educational workshops
    • Advertising in the online directory
    • Opportunities for enhanced business listings on the website
    • Educational Biz-to-Biz networking luncheons and workshops
    • Professional business coaching through SCORE
    • An outlet from the isolation of running a business and a way to connect with your peers
  • Business Advocacy

    The Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce works with the Town of Los Gatos and represents the interests of our local businesses at regular meetings with the Town Manager and Mayor. The Chamber works with local officials to seek information on programs and projects that might impact our local economy. The Los Gatos Chamber also collaborates with the Chambers of Commerce from all the Silicon Valley cities to advocate for regional and state legislation that supports business interests.

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  • Community

    The Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce is a sponsor or facilitator of many community events such as the Wine Walks, Taste of Los Gatos, Business Person and Business of the Year, and our Magical Memories Holiday program centered around cable cars style trolleys and visits with Santa in Town Plaza Park.

    By joining the Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce, your business becomes associated with these special events and programs. Your business can receive special recognition for sponsoring our Chamber events.

    In addition, the Chamber can host a ribbon-cutting for your business that will be attended by an elected Town official. These ribbon cuttings are available for new businesses, when changing a location, or celebrating a significant anniversary. The event will be recognized on the Chamber website, social media, and weekly e-newsletter that reaches over 3,500 subscribers.

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  • Networking & Referrals

    Get to know other Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce members, community leaders and Town Staff at our networking events. Our monthly networking mixers draw an average of 50 people. Our Biz-to-Biz networking educational luncheons have attendance of 60 guests on average. At any and all of these events, you have the opportunity of meeting prospective clients or customers.

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  • Why Join? The Real Value of a Chamber

    Whether your business has just one employee or a large staff, the Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce can provide many opportunities for your business to thrive. Through its strong Community partnerships, programs, events, staff and Board of Directors, the Chamber of Commerce is a powerful partner for its member businesses. The Chamber strives to enhance its members' visibility in the Community, advocates for sound business policy and provides regular networking and promotional opportunities. Joining the Chamber is a strategic investment for your business.

    A research study done by the Schapiro Group an Atlanta-based market research firm demonstrates the value of joining your local chamber:

    • When a consumer knows a small business is a Chamber member, they are 63% MORE likely to purchase products or services from it. Consumers infer that Chamber members are more trustworthy, they care more about their customers, are more involved in the community, and they are considered an industry leader.
    • 59% of consumers think joining the local chamber is an effective business strategy.
    • When a consumer knows that a restaurant is a Chamber member, they are 40% MORE likely to dine there in the next few months.
    • When a consumer knows an insurance agency is a Chamber member, they are 43% MORE likely to consider that agency when buying insurance.

    Download the Schapiro Group study here.



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