Saint Andrew's Episcopal School
Education - Schools PrivateEducationEducation - Elementary Schools
Monday-Friday: 7 AM-4 PM, After-Care offered from 3-6 PM. Summer Programs: June & July
Driving Directions:
Located in the heart of Saratoga, Saint Andrew's is a short drive of exit
13601 Saratoga Ave,Saratoga CA 95070About Us
Located in Saratoga, Saint Andrew’s Episcopal School is an independent school for Pre-K (4 years old) through 8th grade students. Saint Andrew’s is a wholehearted community of learners with a wholehearted commitment to cultivating student happiness, academic achievement, and character. Our complete, balanced, and inspiring approach to education ensures that our graduates are exceptionally good people who are exceptionally well-prepared to thrive in high school, college, and life. The school currently has 415 students from over 15 communities in the San Jose / South Bay and Peninsula Area.
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