Organizations and people to follow on social media
Organizations:Antiracism Center: TwitterPeople:Rachel Cargle: Writer and lecturer who explores the intersection between race and womanhood: Instagram | FacebookIbram X. Kendi: Author of How To Be An Antiracist and Director of the Antiracism Center: Instagram | FacebookNikkolas Smith: The artist behind portraits of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and others InstagramCharlene Carruthers: Founder of the Black Youth Project 100 InstagramBrittany Packnett Cunningham: Co-founder of Campaign Zero, host of Pod Save The People: InstagramAlly Henny: Christian commentator on race InstagramCandace Andrews: Photographer documenting protests InstagramAnnie Jean-Baptiste: First-generation Haitian-American author and tech evangelist. Head of Product Inclusion at Google, author of Building for Everyone. InstagramIndya Moore: Transgender and non-binary American actor and model who believes that actions speak louder than memes. InstagramJustin A. Moore, Esq: A liberation attorney who is on a mission for love and justice. He speaks up on the injustices of the Black community and advocates for the abolishment of life without parole and solitary confinement. InstagramSo You want to Talk About… Dissects progressive politics and social issues in graphic slideshow form that is more digestible and easily understood. InstagramAvery Francis: Workplace design advisor and a storyteller. Actively supports the movement for Black lives and offers many digestible resources online. Founder + CEO of Build with Bloom and Join Sunday Showers. InstagramRaquel Willis: An activist, strategist and a writer in New York City who is advocating for Black Trans lives. InstagramFran Tirado: The person behind Netflix’s queer channel, and now shares all things queer-related and actively supports of the Black Lives movement. Twitter | InstagramThe Peahce Project: Celebrates Asian identity through the media by publishing interviews, art, writing, and more. Twitter | Instagram |FacebookThomas Page McBee: An author, a film/tv writer and a “questioner of masculinity” (NYT). Twitter | Instagram
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